The seven dancers of the TANZMOTO DANCE COMPANY have jointly developed a multimedia dance performance exploring social and political issues, such as the complexity of our era, oversupply in the Western world and the ensuing exploitation of natural resources in the Southern hemisphere, climate change and the fact that society is ultimately overburdened and isolated. The piece takes its name from the imbalance between environment and society. The production is characterised by a wealth of dynamic dance forms inspired by experience gained travelling through nature reserves in Japan, Colombia and Germany, an intensive study of the issues through dance and a search for connections between these two issues. A compilation of orchestral, electronic and natural sounds put together especially for this production underlines what happens on stage, making it an exciting, varied and – for the dancers – demanding dance piece.
“The climate of the world loses its balance, nature and people get more and more exploited – come on, let's dance”, this is how Mohan C. Thomas, artistic director and choreographer, summarises the idea of the dance.
This production is supported by the State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Cultural Office of Essen, the Allbau Stiftung and the Sparkasse Essen.
Artistic direction and choreography: Mohan C. Thomas
Choreographic assistance: Carlos Sampaio
Dancers: Maria Lucia Agón Ramirez, Fátima Gomes, Eloisa Mirabassi, Josefine Patzelt, Mohan C. Thomas, Yasha Wang, Victor Alfonso Zapata
Sound and music: Jan Strobl
Video animation: Til Strobl
Costumes: Dina Nur
Assistance: Ronja White