Contemporary Dance

Contemporary Dance

A combination of Release-technique and Modern Dance is the basis of this class. The docent will also focus on floor exercises to improve the physical awareness. Organic and fluent combinations will be developed by playing with rhythm, musicality, dynamic tensions and accents.

Through better awareness of our body and it's movements, we can achieve a higher quality in realization and creative interpretation of impulses. Supporting the precision of the physical coordination is one of the main goals of this class.

Tuesdays 7:30 - 9:00 p.m.

For Intermediates (as well as youth)

196,00 € each quater (14 dates) - all prices includes  Preise 7% VAT.


Tanzmoto Studio Space
Ringstraße 1 (Entrance Güterstraße)
45219 Essen-Kettwig

Trainer (Kursleiter): 

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IBAN: DE06 3605 0105 0001 6090 15
Bank: Sparkasse Essen

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  • Dozentin
    Maria Moretti

    Maria Moretti was born in Italy. She studied ballet and modern dance from the age of 12. She won few prizes in Italian competitions and attempted many workshop with Aterballetto and Dance Academy in Ravenna. 

tanzmoto studio space

The new studio of TANZMOTO DANCE COMPANY is located in Essen-Kettwig, the largest district of Essen by area. → Studio Space

Ringstraße 1 · 45219 Essen
→ Approach