For this production, choreographer Mohan C. Thomas combined five very diverse choreographies by different artists and choreographers. Accompanied by live music, the individual “Stationen” present an impressive performance of contemporary dance and reveal its enormous variety.
With the restless “Zeit rennt” by Royston Maldoom (“Rhythm is it!”), the dramatic and award-winning “Fliegen” by Carlos Sampaio, the longing solo “Estaciones” by Maria Lucia Agón Ramirez, the humorous “Kaschemme” by Norbert Steinwarz and his own yoga-influenced duet “Essence”, Mohan C. Thomas merges very different moods and feelings.
Coproduction by TANZMOTO e.V. and Ringlokschuppen. Supported by the State Premier of North Rhine-Westphalia and the Cultural Office of Essen.
Choreography: Royston Maldoom (England), Maria Lucia Agón Ramirez (Columbia), Mohan C. Thomas (Germany), Carlos Sampaio (Brazil), Norbert Steinwarz (Switzerland)
Dancers: Maria Lucia Agón Ramirez, Andreas Ebbert-Scholl/Jan Bastel, Fátima Gomes, Carlos Sampaio, Mohan C. Thomas
Training and rehearsal assistance: Rita Aozane Bilibio
Music: Carsten Langer, Anton Peisakhov, Benjamin Reissenberger
Lighting: Christian Aufderstroth